Just to make sure you guys get the appropriate dose of
awesome I’ve decided to let you in on next part of the list. Let’s continue in no particular order or
demarcation of importance.
1. Sriracha
A gift directly from the spice goddess. It’s probably the perfect blend of heat and
flavor. Like getting kissed by a spicy
angel. It can elevate bland crappy food
above acceptable.
This spicy wonder was invented by David Tran a man who
emigrated to America from Vietnam in the late seventies. Asia has probably never forgiven us for
making a better hot sauce. One of the
cool things is the business I entirely family ran and shockingly it’s “never
advertised its products, relying instead on word of mouth,
the phone number listed on its products, and its website.”
2. Zorro
He was wealthy playboy Alejandro De La Vega carousing with
the oppressors of the common men and women of a predominantly Spanish
California (back when California was more Mexico than United States). He then donned the mask and alter ego of
Zorro to fight the very men he gained trust from. So he used his wealth and status to undermine
those of his own social caste to fight for equality. Kind of like the Scarlet Pimpernel but with a
better name and a Latin flavor. But most
importantly without Zorro there wouldn’t be Batman. And thanks to Zorro the world got to see Catherina
Zeta Jones before she was Michael Douglas’ed.
3. The Goddamn Batman
The. Goddamn. Batman.
4. Teddy Roosevelt
Bully for you!
Rounding out part of the badass Presidents wing is this man. A man who punched childhood sickness in the
face then went out into the wilderness to hunt something. Although Teddy was at times weaponless, on
rare occasions, (I think he may have slept with a shotgun under his pillow and
a small cannon under the mattress) he was never unarmed. The man was a true Chuck Norris joke. Undeniably a great man he is also one of only
three Presidents with a Noble Peace prize (however, the whole Nobel Peace prize
can be called into question when you think about the fact that Gandhi never got
5. Uppercuts
There are four pretty basic punches in boxing; a jab; a
cross; a hook; and a uppercut. I like to
think of the jab, cross, hook as rocks, paper, scissors and the uppercut as
magnum revolver. It’s a thing a beauty
in the right hands. It’s probably one of
the few things both Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat got right.
6. Caffeine
The savior of the workday.
It enlivens your brain and speeds you up without the jitters of the
uppers. Without caffeine coffee, one of my good friends, would be muddy water and that's only good if you're a famous blues musician.
7. Rags
Rags was a war hero, an inspiration and a very good boy. Abandoned on the street of France he was
saved by a American soldier. A dog’s
dog, Rags helped run vital messages from the front line. He was able to predict incoming shells or
rather his canine sense alerted the humans with less fine tuned senses of the
incoming shells. He saved countless
lives and was able to retire home after the war. Though he was in the thick of
trench warfare he managed to survive being gassed and hit by shrapnel to be
able to eventually get smuggled to America.
He died at age 20 and was buried with full military honors. Oh, and he learned how to salute as
well. Which is both badass and
completely adorable.
8. Whiskey
Whiskey is a Gaelic word meaning "water of life." It’s the drink of cowboys and manly men. You can drink expensive or sophisticated or
exhaust fume like brands such as Old Granddad.
It may very well put hair on your chest.
9. Bill Murray
The man has been in some of the greatest comedies of all
time. His immensely quotable performance
in Caddyshack was only over the course of four days and was predominantly ad
libbed. The only more quotable movie: Ghostbusters (if you say Airplane so help me Kyle I will punch you, I will punch you with the fury of the internet and the net is fifty percent seething geek rage). Also Zombieland synched his
awesomeness. While Garfield the movie
is inexcusable he actually thought it was written by one of the Coen brothers
not Joel Cohen (who did write it). In my
dreams Bill Murray gives advice to the Dalia Llama not the other way around.
10. Nikola Tesla
The man has invented, against foes of progress and science,
much of the wonder of the past century.
Without some of the setbacks that have occurred he may well have
discovered unlimited energy and other reasonably helpful advances. The man was like a portal into insanity and
scientific revelation. Also he was portrayed
by David Bowie in a movie and that can only help. I’m pretty sure if you stand over his grave
you get free wifi and your electronics are powered.
It’s also possible the man probably just faked his death
because he was sick of dealing with people like Edison or any of the other
wealthy assholes who ruining the gifts he would have brought to the world. Sadly we treat our geniuses rather poorly for
the most part. He was crazy enough to do