Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle or Why Mitt Romney Scares Me

While I do term myself liberal I am not foolish enough or brainwashed enough to think the Democratic party is in any better or that being Republican means the candidate is inherently evil or bible thumping or cow towing to the wealthy (or to corporate America or the military industrial complex).  That would be silly.  Voting on party lines also silly.  More importantly dangerous and shortsighted and very, very stupid.  It’s not as bad as say voting on who has the nicest hair; Romney does have nice hair though and I respect that… I guess.  My problem with Mittens, as I prefer to call him, is what has been termed quantum politics.  His views alter upon examination.  They are fluid and undefined.  He’s  smile and a denial.  The only thing we know he stands for is… well not so much.

If this man wins the election he could the first President with no opinions without a focus group.  He leaves no footprint of ideas.  How do you argue with a  man with no opinions.  It’s like trying to arm wrestle an a squid but much less awesome or maybe not the arm wrestling part.  Just don’t argue with him.
The good thing about people with opinions is eventually one of them will line up with yours.  I did not like W as a president but I did like some of his opinions.  Like his ardent support of disease, specifically AIDS, research.  Hard to argue with that unless you’re a douche.  There are things I don’t particularly agree with Obama on.  I’m not happy with all the concessions he has made.  We’ve had a succession of President’s side with big business.  Clinton who gave us a surplus also aided in this endeavor, caving into big business and letting the wealthy elite get a better hold of the nation.

You can go through each President and see their flaws and good points.  The elder Bush made the unpopular but correct choice in pulling out of Iraq knowing we had no proper exit strategy.  But his cost him precious popularity.  But his strong point was foreign politics with his CIA background and his domestic platform was a bit weaker.  Plus the image he projected wasn’t as fun as the more youthful and charming Clinton.  Nixon who was a criminal, a liar, and a deep offender against privacy and liberty ended our involvement in Vietnam and brought US ties and diplomacy to China for the first time in decades.  It’s a pretty good thing seeing who much of our future they have bought.

I fear for the future of our Presidency.  I also fear for our reactions to these two men.  While I can justify a lot of detraction for Obama it smacks far too often of outright racism.  And the scarier problem is people playing the ‘antiracism’ card.  Who say Obama is enabled to do wrongly as he can at any point say you can’t be mean to me because if you do I’ll say it’s because you are white and I’m not.  Romney scares me not only because you can’t pin down his beliefs but because the only thing he seems to represent is who he is.  Wealthy white people who came from money. 

But the genius in being a quantum politician is just that.  You can’t be pinned down.  You opinions vary on your current mindset and your surroundings and if you are being recorded (always assume nowadays you are being recorded).  The possibly Romney is/are duality.  They are yes and no.  They can exist as yes one moment but then no the next moment and try to do retroactively.  Basically its bullshit.  It’s just a bunch of playground antics and ‘nu-uh, I never said that.  You’re ugly.”

And it’s catching on elsewhere.  Look at Paul Ryan’s budget proposal.  It intends to close loopholes and debt.  But the first step is “slash[ing] taxes for corporations and the rich while drastically cutting food and medical aid to the needy.”  Which obviously makes sense right.  Well not really.  Not fucking at all actually.  Then there is the problem with the lack clarity or disclosure; it’s just vapor and empty promises.  There are no plans we can see, just a promise and a wink.  They say let me have what I want and you’ll get what you need.  I remember this from the eighties.  It involved cutting education and then backing out of the deal and the increasing military budget.

But who knows if Mittens wins and he really just behaves in a way just to be popular he might do some good… but most likely he would just fuck things up more.  I’ll be hiding my head under a rock for little while.  That might make things better?  Right?


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Thanks for posting. You are awesome!